Skyfall image re-sized 300

Directed by SAM MENDES

Starring Daniel Craig, Xavier Barden, Judi Dench, Ralph Fiennes, Naomi Watts, Albert Finney, Ben Wilshire

“Daniel Craig makes 007 his own in this very British Bond adventure – perhaps the best in the series’ 50-year history” writes Philip French in the Observer, and in the Daily Mail: “A second viewing persuades me this is not just the best ever Bond movie, it’s up there with the top action-adventures of all time.” The Telegraph’s Robbie Collins tells us “Daniel Craig remains Bond incarnate in the new James Bond film Skyfall which is often dazzling and always audacious.”

The producers have cast off the rather gloomy nature of the last couple Bonds and returned to the sly wit and one-liners of years ago. The franchise has been enlivened by the supreme quality of the talent involved. Reading-born Sam Mendes (American Beauty) directs, it is photographed by probably the world’s greatest cinematographer, Cornishman Roger Deakins. And the cast is outstanding. My favourite screen actor Xavier Bardem is a superb villain, Judi Dench, Ralph Fiennes, Naomi Watts, Albert Finney and ‘superstar’ of the future Ben Wilshire give us more than mere ‘supporting’ performances. Filmed in London and China, there is no real need to tell you the plot, all I will say is that Skyfall is the most exciting and entertaining Bond since…..well you remember your favourite, and for those of you who have never liked or even seen a Bond movie…try this one.    John Crome

Film £5 Supper £5. Doors and bar open 7:00pm, Film 7:30, Supper 9:45

Please book latest by Sunday 17th February – pay at the door

or phone: Lucy Matthews 01725 518695

Next film on 20th March – the award-winning ARGO