Woman In Gold
Cert 12A, 1h 49m
Directed by: Simon Curtis (My Week with Marilyn)
Starring: Helen Mirren, Ryan Reynolds, Daniel Brühl
Doors open 7:00pm, Film 7:30 £6, Supper 9:30pm £6, wine £11/bottle.
Pay at the door, but last bookings 1200 Sunday 13th September.
Bookings: filmnight@rockbournevillagehall.org.uk or phone: Lucy Matthews 01725 518695
Gustav Klimt’s iconic and world famous painting (the Mona Lisa of Austria) hung undisturbed in the Austrian National Museum in Vienna, having been looted, with all of the property of Jews, in 1938 after the Nazi takeover of the country. Until Maria Altman, played in this almost perfect film by Dame Helen Mirren in her finest performance since ‘The Queen’, asks for the return of her property. The painting is a portrait of her aunt, commissioned from Klimt, which hung in their home until it was stolen by the Nazis. At 80 years old Maria is living in California and might be expected to live a quiet life, but she engages a young lawyer Randal Schoenberg (upon whose memoirs the film is based). The Austrian authorities dismiss her claim (as they did all others) but she insists on continuing her struggle which has now become a metaphor for the treatment of Jewish property in post-war Europe. A heart warming, life-affirming film, which will make you want to stand up and cheer at its conclusion.
John Crome
Next film Wednesday 21st October Far From the Madding Crowd 2015